Fringe Drink Stirrers
Once upon a time, I had this brilliant idea to start a blog. Yeah, since I haven’t posted in two months, obviously it was the best idea I’ve ever had. Where have I been? Christmasing, mostly. Oh, and looking for, applying to, interviewing for, and starting a new job. But today, I crafted.
GUYS! IT’S HERE! That thing I never even told you was coming! Sprinkle Explosion Unicorn Bark’s Halloween friend, SPRINKLE EXPLOSION HALLOWEEN BARK. Maybe it is time to create a SPRINKLE EXPLOSION blog series, just like the “I bought a box of brownie mix at Costco and now I have to use it all” series.
RECIPE: Orange Creamsicle Brownies
Welcome to my new favorite series, “I bought a box of brownie mix at Costco, and therefore have to make brownies with it.” Recipe 2 of 6: Orange Creamsicle Brownies! Well, more like orange cheesecake brownies. Either way, BROWNIES.
DIY: How to Make Copper Flake Coasters
We have a very mid-century modern decorated apartment. With a splash of Lego and Adventure Time characters, piles of books that are threatening to topple, and dog toys. It’s kind of like mid-century modern with a splash of hoarders and the really messy section of the library at Hogwarts. As another book came in the…
RECIPE: Peanut Butter Banana Brownies
I’ve developed a new super power. I can get in and out of Costco in 30 minutes or less. I’m like the pizza delivery of Costco runs, except it never ends in pizza, and if I take more than 30 minutes, my freebie is being stuck in a never ending Costco checkout line.