Tag: marshmallow

  • 4th of July S’mores Brownie Bars

    4th of July S’mores Brownie Bars

    Do you ever have an idea for a recipe that starts out innocently enough, like toasted marshmallow brownies, but quickly ends up completely out of control? Say hello to S’mores Brownie Bars, it will be your new all time favorite s’mores recipe. (Find more brownie recipes here and here and S’mores Popcorn here!) Toasted marshmallow led…

  • S’mores Popcorn. All the Fun of Camping, with No Nature

    S’mores Popcorn. All the Fun of Camping, with No Nature

    I hate camping. Haaaaate it. Andrew is always trying to get me to go by using words like “fun” and “sleeping outside” and “fresh air” and “nature.” Gross. I do love s’mores, though, and chocolate and marshmallow. When I was young, I was known to make peanut butter, marshmallow, and chocolate chip sandwiches. Naturally, my…