S’mores Popcorn. All the Fun of Camping, with No Nature

I hate camping. Haaaaate it. Andrew is always trying to get me to go by using words like “fun” and “sleeping outside” and “fresh air” and “nature.” Gross. I do love s’mores, though, and chocolate and marshmallow. When I was young, I was known to make peanut butter, marshmallow, and chocolate chip sandwiches. Naturally, my refined culinary palette was cultivated at a young age. (Need more s’mores in your life? Click here for S’mores Brownies!)

One problem with s’mores is that they are messy, which is fine if you are outside, or you’ve covered your couch and floor with a tarp for some inexplicable reason. Oh! Like if you are repainting the walls! Okay, s’mores are a perfect indoor treat for when you’ve decided to repaint your house, and who doesn’t get an undeniable craving for s’mores while painting? Wait, that’s just me? Well, this is awkward. Hold on a second while I distract you with an up close photo of delicious s’mores popcorn.

Chocolatey, marshmallowy, graham cracker dusted S'mores Popcorn. It's like being on a camping trip minus the actual camping and adding some popcorn!

ANYWAYS. I think the point I was trying to make is that s’mores are messy and not ideal for when you are sitting on the couch watching every single episode of Gossip Girl for the fourth time. That’s where this recipe comes in. You also get to smash up some graham crackers to take out some of your annoyance over Chuck and Blair fighting again. Or Blair and Serena. Or Little J and, well, everyone. It is also super easy and takes about the same time to make as Serena stayed in any of her relationships.

S’mores Popcorn. Takes the same to make as any of Serena’s relationships. #xoxoClick To Tweet

All you need to make this is a baking sheet, a bag of popcorn, some marshmallows, chocolate chips, and graham crackers. The result is salty and sweet chocolate, soft, fluffy marshmallows, and the added crunch of graham cracker crumbs. You can pop your own popcorn, or use the already popped kind, which is what I did (I prefer Boom Chika Pop Sea Salt).

Chocolatey, marshmallowy, graham cracker dusted S'mores Popcorn. It's like being on a camping trip minus the actual camping and adding some popcorn!


  • 5 cups popped popcorn
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • As many handfuls of mini marshmallows as your heart desires
  • 3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs


  1. Spread out your popcorn onto a baking sheet (1/4 sheet pan or larger) so it is in one layer, but not so much that there is a lot of space between the pieces.
  2. Scatter marshmallows over the popcorn.
  3. Melt chocolate chips with your preferred melting skills (I used the microwave).
  4. Eat a handful of marshmallows while the chocolate is melting.
  5. Use a spoon to drizzle chocolate over popcorn and marshmallows.
  6. Sprinkle the entire pan of your new popcorn dreams with the graham cracker crumbs.
  7. Once the chocolate has set, break it all up into smaller pieces.
  8. Don’t bother finding an airtight container to put the popcorn in, because you are probably going to eat it all within a few hours anyway.

Not Gossip Girl

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