Recipe: Cherry Coke Jello Salad
Yes, you read that correctly. Cherry Coke Salad. A jello salad. I recently inherited all of my great grandmother’s recipe books and tins and cards which contain an alarming amount of gelatin based “salads.” As a person who is completely horrified by the idea of a molded gelatin salad with things suspended in them like…
DIY: How to Make Faux Druzy Pendants
Have you ever been painting your nails, only to smudge one before you finish? Maybe the brush pulls up some of the layers because you didn’t have the right base coat or you knock it against something before it dries. It isn’t awful, so you try and fix it by adding another layer, only now…
11 DIY Mother’s Day Gifts for Mom
Happy Friday! Instead of Freebie Friday, I’ve rounded up some perfect DIY gifts to make mom for Mother’s Day in case you need some ideas to use last week’s gift tags on! Are you DIYing anything for your mom for Mother’s Day or have any other awesome ideas to add to the list? Let me…